Dr. (h.c.) Mickey Mehta
Peace Governor, WPDO
Dr. Mickey Mehta is an Indian holistic health, well-being, wellness, and fitness guru. He is a TV and radio presenter (94.3 Radio One Mumbai and Delhi) and a columnist in various publications and websites. He preaches the concept of holistic health and equipment free workouts and has done so by establishing a chain of Mickey Mehta Wellness Temples across Mumbai city. The media often refer to Mickey Mehta as ‘India’s Leading Holistic Health Guru’. Mehta also aspires to build the largest social media base across as many platforms possible, to reach out to his audience.
He has been a major contributor for Holistic Health to Microsoft MSN portal, Times of India I-Diva portal and indiwo.com of CNBC. He was also privileged to host a Google Hangout Session in Association with Max Buppa Times Now Walkathon event. In addition, DNA iCan Womens Marathon has officially partnered with Mickey Mehta. He has also partnered with Mid-Day for the ‘Swast Mumbai, Mast Mumbai’ campaign.

Dr. Mustafa Saasa
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Dr Mustafa Saasa is Prominent Indian Business Magnate, Social Philanthropist, a Renowned Corporate Speaker, Mentor, Mind-set & Leadership Coach Certified by World’s No. 1 Leadership Coach – Marshall Goldsmith. Dr. Mustafa helps Leaders & CEOs increase their Results by Working Smarter in Today’s Economy. Dr. Saasa is continuing Business Legacy since 1958. He is a serial Entrepreneur having diverse business experience internationally. He is known for his CSR Work in Education & Water.
He is Chairman & Managing Director of Raj Group of Companies of Dubai – UAE. He is Chairman & Managing Director of Sell Force International LLC in Dubai andSarrahraj Enterprise Pvt Ltd in India. He has done Masters in Emotional Intelligence and Criminology from UK. And has done Ph.D. in Leadership from University in Colombo in 2014. In 2017, He has been conferred with Hon. Doctorate in Social Science by Medicina University in Colombo.
Dr Mustafa is General Secretary in Dubai Chamber of Commerce for BMTG. He is UAE Chapter of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce &Industries. He is Member of World Water Council, Middle East Director of International Rain Water Catchments System Association. He isGoverning Board Member of R K University in Rajkot – Gujarat, Peace Governor & UAE Chapter President for World Peace Diplomacy Organization, Executive Board Member of CEO Clubs International – UAE & Ahmedabad – India& Amity University in Noida, India. He is Director General & Patron of All India Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice, New Delhi. He is Country Representative of World without Borders for UAE. He is Board of Directors as Chairman of Corporate Affairs & Communications of Freehold Mediation & Information, Dubai – UAE. & Board of Director of Identity Branding Forum.
Dr Mustafa has been awarded – Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman in House of Lords, London by British Government. & conferred with Bharat Samman Award in New Delhi as well India’s Most Influential Leader – 2017, Most Networked CEO, Legendary Leadership Award, Member of the Year in Global Connections 2019 and many such in Dubai – UAE.Recently he has been awarded with Stevie Awards USA for Innovation in Eco-friendly Writing Instrument, Corporate Leadership Mentoring Excellence Award – Dubai 2019& Alleem Excellence Award in Water Management – Sharjah 2019by the hand of H.E. Dr. Rashid Alleem – Chairman of SEWA – UAE and Most Connected CEO of the year at RAK – UAE.
He has been awarded with Pride of India, Rashtriya Udhyog Ratna Award, Outstanding National Citizen, Game Changer of The Year – In Leadership Award, Arch of Excellence, CEO of the Year, Gem of India, Business Visionary Award for Business Excellence, Indian Leadership Award for Industrial Development, Literary Excellence Award, Knight of Honor, Business Award by Giants Group and many more such Awards.
More Insights about his Profile can be viewed @ www.mustafasaasa.com

HRH.Tengku Pangeran Abdullah Ali Chandrarupa Wibowo
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
The Principal of the Patani sultanate in Indonesia.
Prince of Culture Contemplative from Mempawah Kingdom of West Kalimantan (It is likened to customary government as a cultural minister of the kingdom).
Activities currently undertaken as a singer, arranger music, music conceptor, songwriter, modern and traditional theater actor, humanitarian social worker, cultural observer, a young businessman and activist of social organization, culture, art, custom, hobby both nationally and internationally.
- Honorary Member Royal Organization, MexicoDelegatto Ambasciartore, AIUO, Italy
- Honorary Mayor the Cossacks, International Acadaemy of the Cossacks, Belgium
- Accademico D’onore, Nobile Accademia Internazionale di Filosofia, Studi e Ricerche CORPUS HIPPOCRATICUM, Italy
- Humanity Awards, The Worldwide Embassy of Human Rights Protection through Peace and Justice, Ukraine
- The Orthodox Order of Saint Barbara, Ukraine
- Honoris Causa Academicum Historiae Culturae Humanitatis potestanibus legittime nihi datis huius nobilis, AIUO, Italy
- Honorary Member First Stars Pioneers Association of Kick Boxing in Sicily, Italy
- Phenomenal Person, Face, PakistanReconhecimento Cultural, Academia Niteroiense de Belas Artes – Letras e Ciencias – ANBA, Brazil
- Ambasador Pentru Indonesia, Asociatia Uniunea Pentru Apararea Drepturilor Romanilor, Romania
- Golden Award All Martial Arts Union, Italy
- Honorary Member of World Academy of Human Sciences
- Honorary Member Woma, Belgium
- Honorary Plenipotentiary Humanitarian Ambassadors, Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia, Russia
- Honorary Member All Martial Arts Union, Italy
- Ambaixador Honorario, Soberana Casa Real Borghese, Brazil
- Honorary Member, Cicraun, America Serikat
- Humanity Awards of Cossacks, Belgium
- Cultural Awards Academia De Juizes De Paz Eclesiasticos Do Brasil, Brasil
- Por merito personal, cultural y humanitario, Real Casa Fernandez, ArgentinaHonorary Member of Cadamba Royal Family, India
- Honorary Member of HUA, Brasil
- Honorary Member of Rajarajasri Mahalingga Pattavardhanakkizhavar Emperuman, India
- Doctor Honoris Causa of Social Humanity, ALB BrasilDoutor Honoris em Direitos Humanos, CBC, Brasil

DR. (h.c.) Bijal Shah
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Dynamic & Versatile, results-oriented professional with 16 years of rich experience in BFSI sector. Excellent Management skills, summed-up with splendid knowledge in areas of Operations, Quality, Process Management, CPI, Operational Risk and Control, Compliance, HR Recruitment, Customer Service, Grievance Redressing Officer (GRO), Project and Change Management. Instrumental in setting-up Business Process Excellence and Quality Unit. Have contributed largely in creating SOP, Policy Note, Quality, migration of processes and integrating processes for various companies post-merger / acquisition of companies, strategic planning, Cross-training resources. Excellent functional knowledge of various Business Lines, i.e. Retail, Corporate, Micro-fin, Housing Finance, Life and General Insurance, Investment products. Exposure to various functions of BFSI sector. Specialised in Managing Operations, Quality, Process Design, Review & suggesting improvements, Customer Service, Operational Risk. Innovative or exceptionally creative to foster ideas that impel the organization towards result-oriented direction. Adroit at analysing organization’s requirements and ability to handle Operations volume within TAT/SLA. Drive Process and Quality Culture with leadership skill and impressive professional speaking abilities. Suggest various ways of value add in terms of better control for process-system loopholes, solution for exception/deviation. Have worked as a part of Management Team and as Board/Committee member to add value with my extensive functional exposure and rich experience. Passionate about improving Quality of Life with certain Standards.

Prof. Dr. Hubert Rampersad
Peace Governor, WPDO
Hubert K. Rampersad, B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. is a Leading Expert on Personal Branding, Bestselling Author, and Keynote Speaker. He is president at TPS International Inc. and Personal Branding University in the US and author of the bestselling books “Total Performance Scorecard” , “Personal Balanced Scorecard”, “TPS-Lean Six Sigma”, and “Authentic Personal Branding: A new blueprint for building and aligning a powerful leadership brand’ which have been published in many languages.
Dr. Rampersad is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Training and Management Development Methods (UK), journal Measuring Business Excellence (UK), TQM Magazine (UK), and Singapore Management Review. He is also a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s prestigious Thought Leader Advisory Board (San Diego), and selected by The Marshall Goldsmith School of Management as one of the 35 distinguished thought leaders in the US in the field of leadership development.

Manjeet K Bansal
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
An M.Phil in English, an MBA in Marketing, CEO of Dynamic Group of Security Services, Chair person of Rajasthan and Maharashtra chapter for FIWE (Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs, India) besides being a member of UCCI and PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industries are some of the major features of Manjeet K Bansal’s introduction.
She being the first woman entrepreneur in Rajasthan to undertake a 24*7 profession of a Security Consultant, with administrative aptitude, managerial skills and a keen eye for details, she won accolades for providing Security solutions to the most prestigious corporate houses like Vedanta Group, JK Laxmi Group, Aditya Birla Group, Binani Group, Leela Kempinsky, Hotel Udai Vilas, The Trident, The Raddison to name a few.
Founder president of Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Manjeet strongly believes in women empowerment and literally lives the adage. She had been awarded the prestigious “Priyadarshini Award” in New Delhi in 2012 by Ministry of Women and Child welfare.
Another feather in her cap most recently added is her entry into films as a Film Maker; she launched ‘Candid Films Pvt. Ltd, with a feature film and a documentary “The Cinema “already under her belt.
Manjeet was featured on the cover page of two books “Dark Flowers” and “Behta Bayda” by noted writer from New York, Mr. Baron James in the year 2010 and 2012 respectively. She was the only woman from Rajasthan to get accreditation for World Cup Cricket held in England in 2009. She also became a Columnist with newspapers in India after her brief stint as Senior Marketing executive with NEWS ASIA, a Los Angeles, California based newspaper. Having been among the Top 25 contestants at the Gladrags Mrs. India Contest at Mumbai 2006, she has regularly been called for judging various fashion shows and beauty pageants.
Balancing the bright glam world Manjeet strongly makes her presence felt in the corporate sector by being Invited as a speaker in New Delhi Global Conference presided by Her Highness President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devi Patil, while also interacting with the stalwarts of Security from countries like Canada, UK, Israel, USA and many more.
Strongly believes in the maxim, “Give back to the World, it does make a difference”, she has been actively associated with many programmes for women empowerment, girl-child education and adopting villages for youth training workshops for which she rightfully gives credit to Rotary International for marking her presence at National and International level.
With strong presence in newspapers, television and celluloid, Manjeet believes compassion and communication are the key factors for a woman to give her best to this world. A philanthropist at heart, an avid lover of music and yoga, she promotes “simple living and high thinking”.

Mr. Sanjay Malik
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Mr. Sanjay Malik is the Chairman & Managing Director of SAGAS Marketing India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. He has been in the business of glass manufacturing and marketing and aluminium façade glazing for commercial and residential buildings, hotels, software companies, etc. He brings with him rich experience of over 35 years.
With the sheer dint of his hard work, the company is today regarded as the market leader in its field. With his positive business approach and excellent man-management skills, he has handled the workforce of over 700 people. He employs a high level of PR skills and ethics, in his marketing endeavours. He is a progressive businessman and has traveled extensively all over the world on business and pleasure.
Mr. Malik has also been actively involved in philanthropic and social service activities and has been a Rotarian for over 28 years. He has been with the Rotary, Bangalore and has served in various capacities and positions, including as Chairman of Committees, Director, Secretary and President.

Mr. Nakul J Sharedalal
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Mr. Nakul J Sharedalal is working as a Senior Associate with Y. J Trivedi & Co.,
Intellectual Property Rights firm, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. He is a Master of Laws from Queen Mary, Univeristy of London. He has specialized in Commercial and Corporate Laws. As an associate advocate at Y.J.Trivedi& Co., he undertakes work relating to drafting and preparing documents for licensing, Technology Transfer agreements, audit and valuation of Intellectual Property, investigations, searches, prosecutions, litigations, anti-counterfeiting operations, arbitration and handling settlements. On the behalf of the firm, he also does legal consultation and provides consultation services to corporate and other clientele for developing strategic planning in intellectual property protections as per the Indian Laws. He hails from a family of chartered accountants. His grandfather and father are chartered accountants.

Dr. Vinod Hasal
( Hind Ratna Awardee by late president of india, Hon. A P J Abdul Kalam in 2003. )
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Drum Café (India and UAE) and RK Dance Theatre Inc.
A Classical Kathak exponent, one of the most powerful and compelling dancers internationally,hails from a family of dancers and musicians for the last 9 generations in the Jaipur Gharana. I am the eighth generation in this lineage. I have acquired my training under the able guidance of Nritya Acharya Guru Ganesh Hiralal Hasal, who is considered as an authority today from the Jaipur Gharana School of Teaching.
I have worked very closely with the Government of India (ICCR-Delhi), (ICC –Indian Cultural Centre- Johannesburg South Africa), (Indian High commission and Indian Consulate) for 15 years.
I have participated in several International Dance Conferences and have given various in depth lectures on Dance in various Universities and Dance Institutions. I have done a lot of research and collaborative work with India, South Africa and abroad related to the field of Dance and Music.

Dr. Ricardo Saavedra Hidalgo
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
CNC, B.Sc. M.Ed. PhD,
International Speaker, Master Coach Trainer, Business Consultant and Entrepreneur
Director & Chair International Programs at AZTECA UNIVERSITY (Universidad Azteca)
Director and Legal representative of “Azteca Inter-University Programs” and “Universidad Azteca International Network System”,
Founder and General Director of “Pro-Innovation Solutions SC”, a Consulting firm that provides service to transnational corporations, universities, governments and organizations in different countries and regions, North America, European Union, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
- General Director of the International Council of Coaching Accreditation, ICCA
- Master Coach Trainer and President for Mexico for the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI), Germany
- ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 Lead Auditor from UK and Germany
- Authorized Representative and International Advisory Board Member for Accreditation Service for International Colleges, ASIC
He has more than 21 years of experience as Business Consultant, with several executive positions worldwide. He has implemented successful operation in national/international companies and organizations.
He has implemented educational technology, successful administrative design, application of acceleration models and innovation, setting out diagnosis and design of organizational structure.
He has also created maps of leadership and integration of effective corporate team work.
He is a Consultant Member for United Nations for more than 19 years; also collaborating with UNESCO and DPI NGO Section at United Nations.

Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Kohli’s is the Sikh Dharma Ambassador in the Western Hemisphere. Known as Bhai Sahib, a title bestowed upon him by the Jathedar of Patna Sahib, he freely shares his knowledge, limitless intellect and wisdom with his followers. Bhai Sahib was born in 1956 in the Southern Indian City of Madras to Sardar Malik Singh Kohli and Late Sardarni Rajinder Kaur Kohli. When the family moved to the Indian capital city of New Delhi, he attended Summer Fields High School. After graduating from there he went to Delhi’s St. Stephen’s College and earned himself a Bachelor’s Degree in Science.
It was in 1978 that Bhai Sahib arrived in the USA and got married in Espanola, New Mexico, to the daughter of Yogi Bhajan, who later became his spiritual guide and mentor. After moving to California, he ventured into business, where his academic orientation and experience with Yogiji came in handy. He rapidly helped expand the firm’s business across various domains.
Success in business, though, was to become the bedrock of his spiritual life. Somewhere deep within he yearned to move into the higher realms of existence. And life would give him a chance that he grabbed with both hands. He found his spiritual mentor in Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, also called Siri Singh Sahib. Bhai Sahib would go on to call Yogi Bhajan his celestial father, and spiritual guide. Yogiji appointed him Assistant Chief of Protocol for the Sikh Dharma International. Bhai Sahib also became involved with other institutions set up by Yogiji such as 3HO, Sikh Net, Miri Piri Academy and Khalsa Council International.
Today Bhai Sahib is the Chairman of the Guru Ram Das Sikh Mission of America based out of New Mexico. He is also the Secretary, International Affairs at the Akal Takht for Sikh Dharma and a Director in Miri Piri Academy, Amritsar. He is also a member of ACT and Sikh Dharma 13. Several recognitions and honours have come his way. For his untiring efforts to propagate the Sikh way of life in the Western world, the Sikh clergy have given him the title of Bhai Sahib.
Bhai Sahib travels the world promoting peace, diversity, Sikh teachings, a healthy happy and holy lifestyle through the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga, and is selflessly dedicated to the welfare of all. He participates in world peace and inter-faith events and travels the globe bringing love, light of wisdom, unity and inspires many towards the path of the divine Almighty. He is a Peace Ambassador for HWPL (a Peace organization in South Korea dedicated for cessation of wars around the world); Ambassador for the Parliament of World Religions; member of Bhai Sahib is a true missionary in action, living and walking the words of his master, and the Great Gurus. He sums up his own journey thus, “It is my mission and blessing to promote diversity and culture as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji… to better facilitate the current worldwide shift in global consciousness from tribalism, instability, and extremism, to harmony, cooperation and enduring peace. In addition, I welcome and support other organizations that promote the transformation of consciousness as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji throughout his life and travels.”

Mr. Anil Trigunayat
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Former Ambassador to Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Libya and Malta
Ambassador Anil Trigunayat is a member of the Indian Foreign Service. He has served in the Indian Missions in Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh, Mongolia, USA, Russia, Sweden and Nigeria, Libya and Jordan. In the Ministry of External Affairs he has worked in the Economic, West Asia and North Africa and Consular Divisions.
He also served as Director General/Joint Secretary for the Gulf & Haj Divisions in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. Thereafter, Mr. Trigunayat worked as Deputy Chief of Mission in the rank of Ambassador in the Embassy of India, Moscow
Prior to his superannuation in May 2016, he served as Ambassador of India to Jordan and Libya and High Commissioner to Malta( June 2012 – May 2016).
He is a post Graduate in Physics from the Agra/Kumaon University and also studied Russian History, Culture and Language at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. As a visiting fellow he also conducted research work on “WTO and Regional Trading Blocs” at the Oxford University.
He is a member of the All India Management Association/Delhi Management Association as well as that of Oxford and Cambridge Society of India and the Association of Indian Diplomats ( former Ambassadors).He is also the Honorary Member of the International Trade Council, Brussels.Also a member of Centre for International Relations and Community Well-Being(CIRC), Gurgaon& Board Member of Peaceful Mind Foundation as well as Confederation of Education Excellence , New Delhi.
Currently he is steering a Committee on promotion of trade and investment with Africa and the Middle East at the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industries. He is also honorary Adviser to BRICS Chamber of Commerce. He also serves on the Board of Advisers of BRICS Chamber of Commerce apart from being the President of MIICCIA Chamber of Commerce. He is also the Distinguished Fellow, Vivekananda International Foundation. Recently, he has joined as Adviser (International) at the NCDC.
Amb Trigunayat knows French, Russian and Spanish languages.

Mr. Hetang Shah
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
A visionary… Change business Catalyst.. have capabilities and experience of turning around Organisation…
A sound finance and management consultant with deep understanding of business process, capital structuring, Business planning and implementation..
Ability to prepare companies for next orbit of sustainable growth and drive the change with team work..
360 degree exposure to entire organisational working system from Business Discovery, Inside out approach, Mentoring, Debt and Equity fund raising… and most importantly advising and hand holding of funds…
Key Industry Association: Banking, IT, Education, Pharma, Healthcare, Specialised engineering, Renewable Energy Industry etc….
Specialties: Organisation building, Risk capital measuring, Organisation Transformation, Financial Management, Public Offering etc..
Having natural knack of empathizing with people, i find my profession, truly rewarding all the times…. I am pragmatic & believes firmly that…. “Nothing Except Change is Constant”… that human dynamics is an ocean and one can just been able to catch few drops in the first .. That’s why I am here ..

Mr. Balvinder Singh Bindra
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
Mr Balvinder Singh Bindra is a seasoned Corporate Affairs and Marketing professional with approximately two decades of experience in the Industry. Presently he is Deputy Head Government Affairs at Sahajanand Medical Technologies (SMT), a leading developer and manufacturer of minimally invasive coronary stent systems, having a strong global footprint in more than 70 countries. At SMT he is responsible for liaising with key external stakeholders for influencing policy-making and other business environment matters at State, Central and Embassy/High Commission levels. He manages and develops timely & productive solutions for critical company and product related matters and through his connections and strategic alliances he ensures speed of action in areas relating to permissions/approvals from external and regulatory bodies. In his role as a Sales and Marketing expert he has a proven track record and analytical ability to analyze market dynamics, competition data, and key influencers whereby creating an enabling work around the company’s products in the market.
Prior to Medical Device, Pharma Co., Balvinder was associated with Intercard, a leading event management and creative entity. Here he produced some mega events, managed some prestigious accounts and coordinated some important assignments and cinematography production that won many accolades since his work turned even the smallest event into a huge success.
Balvinder is associated with various social bodies from a Community sustainability & responsibility perspective, where he devotes time for needy, elderly and religious causes.

Dr. Amit Lath
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
- CEO & Managing Partner, Sharda Group of Companies (Intl)
- Vice President, Indo Polish Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IPCCI)
- Director, Europe India Chamber of Commerce | Central-East Europe
- Advisory Board Member (Europe), India’s International Movement to Unite Nations (I.I.M.U.N)
- Co-founder, British International School of University of Lodz (BISUL)
- Hon Advisor to Board – University of Computer Science & Skills Lodz
- Director, Indo-British Trade Council (IBTC)
- Senior Business Adviser, Warsaw Modlin Airport
- Honorary Ambassador, Lodz Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LIPH)
- Mentor, Youth Business Poland (YBP)
- Ambassador, Wallonia.be | Belgium (Feel Inspired)
- Mentor & Board Member – Master MyLife EQ Education (MML Global)
- Intl Brand Ambassador, Lodz Regional Park of Science and Technology
- Advisor, CS Swiss (Switzerland)
- Founder & Promoter, Sharda Business Centre
- Fr. Board Member, Gdynia Cotton Association
- Fr. Vice President of Indo-Polish Cultural Committee
Special Recognition & Decoration:
- Honorary Doctorate: Doctor of Advance Studies “Honoris Causa” for Excellence in Management
- Jewels of Rajasthan
- Who’s Who of the Industries of Rajasthan
Short note: Amit Lath is one of the leading Indian face and businessmen based in Poland for the last 21 years. He is known to be a very humble and down-to-earth man and lives a simple and modest life just like an average citizen and his wife supports this lifestyle. With his magnificent and phenomenal efforts to develop his business across India and overseas, he became the new face of Indian business – professional, modern, and forward looking.
His leadership qualities enabled the company Sharda Group to achieve success not only in the European markets but also in to other International markets especially in CEE & Middle East. Today the group is ranked by Poland Ministry of Economy as No. 1 in Textile Sector and is among Top 10 companies for entire trade between India-Poland. Sharda Group Poland which is now the biggest Textile player in the Central Eastern European market and supplies to more than 60 countries worldwide.
Simultaneously achievements came in form of various prestigious awards one of them being the group being ranked among the top 500 in the list of FORBES Diamond 2012. The Group Ranked 301 in Poland and 13 in the Lodzkie state. Sharda Group is the 1st Indian company in Poland to be nominated in list of FORBES Diamond 2012.
He has widely travelled to 57 countries all over the world and also has been invited as a speaker in various business delegations, Economic Forums, Business Symposium to share his know how of business and to promote trade between India-Poland. Not only is he actively involved on the business circuit he has been equally responsible for development of Lodzkie Region in terms of taking it forward.
He is a founder member of Lodz British International School and closely associated with the State and Central Government in Poland for building ties between India-Poland. He is also involved is number of key projects for Lodz & Lodzkie region in different sectors and working closely with the present local and state government. Amit makes every Indian dream bigger with his achievements and only sets the standards higher and higher.
He also revived famous Polish traditional textile brands like UNIONTEX® (Estd 1827) &Pamotex® (Estd 1825) which is sold globally through large distribution network. Also due to his vision in 2012 a successful venture of “Sharda Business Centre” was opened in Poland in which companies like Philip Morris, and Ago Logistics are having offices and logistics hub.
Sharda Group Achievements & Awards:
- Forbes 2012 – Ranked 301 in Poland
- Fair Play Prestigious Award – Poland: 2012 & 2013
- Ranked by Poland Ministry of Economy Largest Textile Trading Partner for year 2007 to 2011
- Awarded Most Dynamic & Elite Company by “PulsBiznesu” – 2009/2010/2011.
- Fastest Growing Company Gepardy Biznesu 2011.
- Highest Evaluated Company by Dun & Bradstreet 2011/2012/2013.
- Best Top 10 Companies of Region – Gazeta Prawna 2010
- 37th Fastest Growing Company – Gazeta Prawna 2007
- Met Deputy Minister of Poland, H.E Mr. Wojciech Katner – April’1999
- Met Deputy Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh H.E Mr. Subhash Yadav – August’2001
- Met Minister of External Affairs of India, H.E Mr. Omar Abdullah – February’2002
- Met Secretary of State of Poland H.E Mr. Bernard Blaszczyk – February’2002
- Met Prime Minister of Poland H.E Mr. Leszek Miller – May’2002 & October’2003.
- Met Speaker of Parliament H.E Mr. Marek Borowski – November’2003.
- Met Secretary, Dept of Industrial Policy & Promotion of India H.E Mr. Lakshmi Chand – October’2004
- Met Defence Minister of India H.E Mr. Pranab Mukherjee – November’2004
- Met Mayor of Wroclaw City, Poland H.E Mr. Rafal Dutkiewicz – March’2005
- Met Commerce Minister of India H.E Mr. Kamal Nath – May’2006
- Met Mr. R.S. Goenka – Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Kolkata – May’ 2006
- Met Minister of State for External Affairs of India H.E. Mr. Anand Sharma – June’2006
- Met Mrs. Satwant Reddy, Secretary, Ministry of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India – July’ 2006
- Met Ambassador of Srilanka to Poland H.E Mr. N. Navaratnarajah – August’2006
- Met Fr. Prime Minister of Poland H.E Mr. Marek Belka – September 2006
- Met Fr. Prime Minister of Slovakia H.E Mr. Mikuláš Dzurinda – September 2006
- Met World Bank Lead Economist – Mr. Thomas Blatt Laursen – September’2006
- Met Lord H.E Mr. Radice at House of Lords (London) – November’2006
- Met Fr. Prime Minister of Poland H.E Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz – March’2007
- Met Member of Parliament H.E Mr. Pound at House of Commons (London) – March’2007.
- Met Honáble Prime Minister of Poland, Mr. Donald Tusk – November’2008
- Met Miss. India – Miss. Natasha Suri – October 2006
- Met Hon’ble President of India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil – April’2009
- Met Hon’ble Commerce Minister of India, Mr. Anand Sharma – September’2009
- Met HE Mrs. Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of Lodz City
- Met HE Mr. Witold Stepien, Chief Minister of Lodzkie Region
- Met HE Mrs. Jolanta Chleminska, Governor of Lodzkie Region
- Met Hon’ble Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski, President of Poland
- Met HE Mr. Cezary Grabarczyk – Speaker of Parliament
- Met Ambassador of France, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey
- Met Bollywood Actor (Mr. Ranveer Singh)
- Met HE Mr. Marek Belka, Governor of National Bank of Poland
- Met Mr. Pratip Chaudhary, Chairman of State Bank of India
- Met HE Mr. Piotr Klodkowski, Ambassador of Poland to India
- Met Mr. Sachin Tendulkar (Cricket Legend)
- Met Ambassador of United Arab Emirates Mr. Asim Mirza Al Rahmah
- Met HE Mrs. Dorota Ryl, Deputy Chief Minister of Lodz Region
- Met Mr. Raza Murad (Actor of Bollywood)
- Met H.E Mr. Janardan Dwivedi (Indian National Congress)
- Met H.E Mr. Janusz Piechonski – Deputy Prime Minister of Poland
- Met H.E Mr Hamid Ansari – Vice President of India
- Met H.E Mr Giriraj Singh – Minister of Small & Medium Industries (Govt of India)
- Met H.E Mr. KT Rama Rao – Minister of Industries & Commerce (Govt of Telanaga)
- Met HE Smt. Smriti Irani – Minister of Textiles (Govt of India)
- Met H.E Mr. Hesham Tawfik – Minister of Public Enterprise Sector (Govt of Egypt)
- Met Mr. Vivek Thankha – Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha (Govt of India)
- Met Mr. DP Tripathi (Secretary of National Congress Party NCP)
- Met Mr. Narayana Murthy – Chairman & Founder of Infosys
- Met H.E Mr. Piotr Glinski – Dpty Prime Minister of Poland
Member of Associations and Organizations:
- Member, Gdynia Cotton Association
- Member, Indo-Polish Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Member, Indo-Polish Cultural Committee
- Member, Indian Association of Poland
- Charter Member, Rotary International
- Member, British – Polish Chamber of Commerce
- Member, EU Chamber of Commerce.
- Member, Textile Export Promotion Council (Texprocil)
- Member, SRTEPC

HRH Prince Dr Rina Telesphore
Honorary Board Advisor, WPDO
“Positive Happiness is a personal choice”
“Word of God, Integrity, Sensitivity and Experience” as a Core Values Head of the Royal House of Andriakazomanga Zafimbolamena ,His Royal Highness Prince Dr Rina Telesphore, is the direct descendant of two kingdoms Sakalava from his father and Merina Vakinankaratra from his mother. The peculiarity of his family is the sacredness as king priest from generation to generation.
His Highness speaks 7 languages and by his education and experience has hold various important position as chairman of different Associations, Universities and Companies in several countries Having a degree as Master Jeweller from the HBJO Paris, and owner of some mines. He has an expertise in gold, precious metal, refinery and High End Jewelry field.
He hold the position of Chairman for the Association of Jewellers, Lapidaries and Mining Exploitants
(ABLEM) in Madagascar (about 300K members)
He is also the former Chairman of the Federation of Jewelers in Indian Ocean. (FIBOI)
His Royal Highness is very concerned about the development and empowerment of his people. Through his leadership ,his family has given support to women and children through “Vavy Hendry Association.”
He is also Senior Pastor of the Sanctuaire Chrétien International, a ministry based in Mauritius in order to give support to his compatriots and share the christian value to them.
As a Pan-Africanist and resolutely turned towards the well-being of humanity, He is the Special Envoy for Madagascar and Southern Africa at the Africa Diaspora Union Organization.
He is actually President-Patron of Trade & Investment for East Africa and Madagascar at Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club.
His Royal Highness holds Doctorate in Business Administration in Banking (DBA) with A+ distinction as well as a triple Doctorate Honoris Causa in Diplomacy, Humanities and Human Rights from Harvest Christian University in Dallas Texas.
He holds also a Professional Doctorate Certificate (PDC) in global Leadership & Management from European International University for his achievements.
He has a Vision for Madagascar.