
WPDO was founded in the state of Delaware, USA as a private, not for profit organization, aiming at resolving conflicts & prevailing peace amongst and within nations. WPDO has taken its roots in supporting and going in line with United Nation’s Global compact program and Earth charter principles as well as following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Today, WPDO has diplomatic presence in more than 10 countries where it is engaged in peace programs including social welfare, education and conflict resolution through diplomacy. It has many affiliations in various countries where it is engaged in various peace activities with them like peace signature campaigns, peace walks, peace through sports, peace through religious preachers, etc.

WPDO has basically adopted a methodology where it practices peace through different models, all working in synergy pointing to one thing: Peace and No Conflicts.  The different models are:

  • It works at the basic level where it tries to uplift the status of people slowly from lower level to higher levels by addressing & fulfilling their basic needs;
  • It teaches peace professionals the art of peace & diplomacy;
  • It runs on its own as well as with its affiliates, short & long duration global peace programs, aiming at currently volatile issues in the world arena.
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